Sunday, April 10, 2005


The conference is over. True, there are still minor details to work out--such as the budget and sending our keynote speaker her honorarium and putting the rest of my life back together--but, for all intents and purposes, it's over. And besides the fact that I'm going to be sending an extremely nasty letter to my University's tech support department, the conference went exceedingly well. My professors and fellow students congratulated me and I got to spend all of last night at dinner speaking with a woman whose work and intellectual capacity I truly admire. Moreover (on a shallower note), she told me she loved me (jokingly, of course) for putting a hangar steak on the catered dinner menu and she hugged me this morning when I brought her to the airport (sometimes the little signs of acceptance and genuine friendliness matter as much the academic exchange).

In any case, the conference was wonderful, a lot of fun and, best of all, it's over. I'm so pleased and I feel so incredibly relieved. In the back of my mind I realize that I'm still not done; I have a presentation in five days, etc, etc. But, right now, I'm taking the morning off to sit in bed with my still sick gf :( and bask in the glow of the gorgeous spring weather outside. And this afternoon I'm going to see an exhibit of Law and Order crime photographs and then I'm taking the dog to the park (doggie playdate *g*) where we (mostly he) can romp and play and enjoy the euphoria of this amazing weather. It's still crisp, but sunny and lovely and I feel like running around barefoot and then curling up on a blanket in the grass and falling asleep in the sun (this part of my fantasy, however, will have to wait until it's a little warmer). Yes, and then, this evening, I will return to my schoolwork. But now everything seems less daunting. I just feel lighter and happier than I have in weeks. It's a beautiful day.

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