Saturday, April 22, 2006

whack the mole

(Don't ask about the subject line, even I couldn't tell you what it means.)

Tales of my abduction and dismemberment have been grossly exaggerated. Really. I promise.

I thought I'd pop in to tell anyone who's reading that I'm fine and still lurking around and still know that I owe many of you emails and about 18 Food Fridays and so much more. And you'll get all of that. Very soon, I hope. I finally feel like I have a little bit of time to myself this weekend so hopefully I'll get back on the ball (no promises though that I'll stay on the ball after that, but rest assured that my repeated absences do not mean I'm going away permanently or anything).

So, news from the past few weeks:

1. Last week I was in Atlanta, GA for five days for a the Popular Cultural Association Conference with April, her friend and her friends' fiancee. We gave our papers, we tooled around the city, we enjoyed the 85 degree weather, we ate at the Flying Biscuit Cafe, which is wonderful and (unfortunately) yet another restaurant in a far-flung city that I'm in love with. We also met up with several good friends who now live in Atlanta, so that made the whole trip twice as lovely.

2. When I returned, I had to comment on fifteen 4-9 page papers (they were drafts so their length varied greatly) in two days. That was a bit harrowing, but this is the last batch of papers I'll have to look at before May 3, when classes end and my students turn in their final research papers.

3. My car got broken into Tuesday night (in my driveway!), and I was awoken by the car alarm, which obviously scared off the potential theif. They broke one of the windows and then tried to open to the door (and set off the alarm). I didn't have anything in my car, so it was more of a hassle than anything else--calling the police to file a report, calling insurance, getting my window replaced, getting the damage to the window casing and door frame assessed, etc.

4. I volunteered to be on the Programming committee of our city's LGBT film festival (mostly because a friend told me to do it, but also because it's fun) in my copious free time, so I've been watching a lot of queer films in the past few weeks (some good, many very very bad).

(Now that I've listed the things I've been doing, it really doesn't seem like I've been doing all that much, but, damn, it sure feels like I've been going non-stop for weeks. Maybe it's just that certain things, like Atlanta and the grading, took up a lot of my time.)

Now on to the things that I'll be doing in the next few weeks
(a.k.a. Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines):

1.I have a karate tournament on May 6th. I'll try to compete in Jiu-jitsu, too, but I'm not sure if they'll let me since I'll be the only woman competing and all the guys are bigger than me. I understand the concern that I'll get crushed like a little bug, but I think it would be a good experience (competing, not getting crushed). Either way, I'll definitely compete in karate--kata, weapons, sparring. Last time we had a karate tournament, I didn't do as well as I'd hoped so I actually need to practice beforehand this time (not just frantically the night before). Also, last time I got the crap beat out of me in sparring because one guy had no sense of control (we don't spar full contact) and blasted me so hard in the stomach that he knocked me over...twice. The irony was that I still won that match because power/strength has nothing to do with scoring points, and he kicked me in the head hard enough that the judges called a foul (kicks to the head can get you a lot of points, but you're not allowed to make more than light contact to the head). So, near the end of the match when he kicked me in the head again, his second foul of the match turned into a point for me and I won. I think it was poetic justice, especially since by then I was crying (but still fighting) in spite of myself. Hopefully there will be none of that this time around.

2. I'm going to Germany and France on May 13th for three weeks. I'm very excited, except #s 3-6 below all have to be completed before I leave.

3. On May 3, I'll be getting fifteen 8-10 page research papers that will need to be graded by the following week.

4. My paper on the L Word is due back to the editor by May 15th (technically, 13th). Have I started my revisions? Not really...unless you count thinking about it.

5. My conference paper on the L Word for the National Women's Studies Association Conference is due on June 1st. But since I'll be out of town then, I need to get it done before I go. Luckily, it's similar to the paper I'm publishing (#4).

6. I have to get a revised copy of my dissertation proposal to my committe before I leave the country.

Okay, that's all for now. [/whiny post]

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