Saturday, February 04, 2006

imagine me & you

So, April and I went to see a special preview of Imagine Me & You the other night, and the film's officially made it onto my (short) list of good lesbian romantic comedies. (This is a very short list...right now Saving Face [still my favorite] is the only other queer comedy I'm willing to own up to liking.) In any case, Imagine Me and You is definitely worth seeing. It's cute, it's funny (some definite laugh-out-loud moments), it's quirky, and the actors are excellent (with the British accents as a bonus for an Anglophile like me). One important note: I'm a huge fan of the typical sweet, sometimes silly romantic comedy; don't go to the cinema under the (false) impression that because it's an "independent" film that it's going to break the boundaries of genre convention. Imagine is a bit cheesy, although no more so than almost every other (heterosexual) romantic comedy, and all the loose ends are neatly and happily resolved by the end of the film as has become de rigueur for the genre. But unless you really hate seeing other people happy or can't stand it when everything in a film isn't completely believable and realistic, I can't imagine why most people wouldn't enjoy an hour and half of likeable characters, amusing dialogue, and pretty girls exchanging looks full of longing and clandestinely kissing. What's not to like?

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