Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Releasing a great, big sigh of relief...

For a moment I stop and look around me and wonder: What's that incredible feeling of lightness and serenity I feel? Where did that come from? I haven't felt that way in...well, longer than I can even remeber. And then I realize. I'm elated. I'm happy. I'm done. I feel a bit like frolicking in the park like a puppy. Because yes, folks, I am officially done with coursework! No more writing what other people want me to write. No more writing until the wee hours of the night because I can't seem to make myself work ahead of time (okay, there may be some of that still in my future, particularily if I ever publish anything, but probably not for more than one paper at a time).

I did go to class today, but it's a pedagogy class so that I can learn to teach freshman (oy) how to write. It's very different--there's no final writing assignment, no one's grading my work; I'm just trying to come up with a good syllabus and reading assignments and writing prompts. And, so far, I'm loving it.

Springtime is here in Rochester. The flowers are blooming (I know this because I've been sneezing every five minutes, but as soon as the Claritin kicks in I'm sure that will stop), the grass is green, the sun is shining, and it's hot. I'm sure I'll be complaining about the heat in a few short weeks, but for now I've spent six months freezing my butt off and I'm thrilled with the idea of sweating a little and soaking up some sun. I had lunch with a friend I hadn't talked to in ages today, and we sat on the grass and ate wraps and drank smoothies. Perfect.

Oh, speaking of friends, now that it's summer (well, in terms of the school year anyway), I'm going to dedicate the next week or so to catching up on email, phone calls, and letters. If you haven't heard from me lately--if I owe an email or if I've been incredibly negligent at commenting or responding to comments on posts--you'll probably hear from me very soon. And, if not, drop me a line and remind me (nicely!) that I should get in touch. And I will. I promise.

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