Wednesday, March 30, 2005

falling in love all over again

I just went to a reading by Kathryn Davis (author of Labrador, The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf, Hell, The Walking Tour, and Versailles) and she was absolutely incredible. Her writing is just lovely--complex and vivid and so alive that you could see the characters take shape in front of your eyes as she read. I've only read The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf, so far--my gorgeous hardcover copy of which I could not find this evening so I couldn't bring it for her to sign!--but now that I've been reminded just how much I loved that book when I first read it years ago, I plan to start reading Davis' work again. I'm particularily looking forward to her new book, The Thin Place from which she read and which is coming out in January. I read so much for school that I sometimes forget the overwhelming pleasure of getting lost in a novel.

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