Monday, March 24, 2008

it's not you, it's me

So, yes, it's true. I've been trying to deny it for months. I thought if I didn't talk about it, it would go away and no one would have to know. But now I've realized that I've got to admit to what I've done. Got to stand on my own two feet. Take responsibility for my actions. I've made my bed and so...yes, folks, it's true: I've been cheating. On my blog. I'm ashamed to admit it, but it's been so wonderful I just can't keep quiet anymore. Since January, I've been working on a new blog, one that shares my interest in television and popular culture. I think we're running away together.

Okay, okay, I'll stop beating a dead metaphor. Let's just say that I've started a new blog about television, entitled Looking for Pleasure, and that I've been a bit distracted keeping up with the weekly updates (when I do actually keep up with the weekly updates). Check it out! Add to that other completely trivial matters like writing my dissertation and planning for my imminent move to Colorado and it's made for a busy semester. I haven't had tons of time to devote to this blog. But trust that I haven't forgotten and that I do intend to continue to update here as often as possible. This will always be my first blog. Nothing can change what we have.

On another very important note, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler's movie Baby Mama is opening tomorrow night. Go. Enjoy.

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