Monday, February 04, 2008

democratic primaries

In case anyone cares, I want to officially announce my support of Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Primary. Right now, I don't have the energy for a long, drawn-out explanation (although you can find some compelling reasons here--this blogger feels a bit more vehement about Obama v. Clinton than I do, but they make some good points). In short, I think that Obama is mostly talk (inspiring, hopeful talk, but still talk) and no action, that Clinton's plans and policies are more viable, and that she has demonstrated a continued commitment to reform (especially in terms of health care). Obama hasn't had a chance to prove himself yet and so I have no idea what he is capable of, how he plans to execute his policies, or what he might do in office.

This is not to say that I don't think Obama could be good. I just think Clinton will be better.

Some moments of this campaign have caused both candidates to be shed in an unfavorable light (all the petty mud-slinging, etc., which somehow only Edwards--alas, poor Edwards--seemed to avoid); however, I am horrified by the things people have been saying about Clinton. Sexism in this country is so institutionalized that the media, campaigners, etc., can undermine Hillary Clinton in ways that are completely, insidiously sexist and yet manage to fly completely under the radar. It's incredibly frustrating.

Can we try to look beyond both race and gender and consider what the candidates actually stand for?

Whatever you do, just please VOTE on Tuesday (or whenever your state's primary is scheduled). Please.

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