Sunday, October 07, 2007


I. Am. Exhausted.

In case my subject heading for this entry didn't give that away.

Actually this post is kind of a placeholder for a couple things. One, it marks me exceeding the 100th post on my Blog. Yay! Two, it's an apology for the 3 people who read this journal (anyone, anyone, Bueller?) in regards to my general lack of posting the past few weeks. I was getting really good at staying on top of the blogging, but then life intervened. I got back from Colorado on Wednesday night after visiting April over the weekend, which was lovely but sad (because I had to leave again), and I've been so ridiculously busy the past few weeks I can't even think straight (no pun intended). What with teaching karate and weekly horseback riding and trying to write dissertation fellowship applications and writing a call for papers for a journal issue I'm co-editing and somehow becoming the Speaker for the graduate group at UR and teaching my women's studies class...I don't really have much time to breathe, let along post LJ entries. Blah. And now ImageOut (Roc's LGBTQ film festival) has started (I was on the programming committee) and I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off introducing movies and entertaining guests (actually just one guest, but still).

I did, however, read a good book recently (on the plane to CO): A Spot of Bother, by Mark Haddon (he also wrote The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, which is told from the point of view of a boy with Asperger's Sydrome). His newest novel is quite good with fascinatingly-flawed ensemble cast of characters. Charming, witty and a bit sad all at the same time.

1 comment:

lolly said...

i read your blog! hope you have managed to sneak in some sleep. just reading about your schedule makes me tired.