Monday, November 27, 2006

i'm already nostalgic

I bet you all thought I had vanished again for another few months, only to continue my Maui report under severe duress and threat of fingernail-pulling, and yet here I am. Anyway, onwards...

If you'll recall from the post before last, I left off on Friday, November 3rd, with April and I getting slowly broiled on the beach while we blissfully snorkelled around. That evening, after surveying and lamenting the sun damage, we changed into some nicer duds (even on Maui, bikinis and board shorts are not really deemed appropriate at a rehearsal dinner). So, at the rehearsal dinner we had our first chance to meet the extended families of the spouses-to-be -- naturally, everyone was lovely (not surprising since Amy and Mike are so great themselves). We ate at the Ma'alaea Grill, and the food was excellent; I had the Cajun blackened Mahi-Mahi and April had some beautifully rare Ahi tuna (plus, the appetizers--Manoa lettuce wraps, crab cakes, and incredible calamari--were to die for). Below, you'll find a picture of me, April, Amy, Mike (on the right) and Brad (the best man). At this point, we are pleasantly stuffed.

The next morning, we awoke with the chirpy birds to another bright and beautiful day and embarked on a caravan drive (with at least four cars and probably fifteen people) to West Maui, where Scott, Amy's brother, promised excellent snorkeling. We ended up north of Kapalua in Honolua Bay, and it was rather amusing to see several snorkeling ships anchored in the waters--while these people paid to be ferried to the Bay, we'd come there all on our own and only having to pay a few dollars to a young boy down the way whose family's property you had to cross to access the beach (they also maintained a surprisingly clean set of porta potties). Snorkeling was good, although the water was a little cloudy. Still, we flippered around for a good hour (after which my ankels were very sore...I actually wasn't totally thrilled about the idea of swimming back to shore from the middle of the Bay--but staying there to drown wasn't really an option).

From Honolua Bay, we drove back down the Western Coast to Kaanapali, where we had lunch--still partially in our bathing suits (with soggy t-shirts over our tops and damp board shorts)--at the Hula Grill. The food was pretty decent, though over-priced for what we got (but what do you expect on a resort beach?). In contrast, when April and I drove to Lahaina later that same evening to meet up with the rest of the gang (all of whom had gone to see Ulalena, a cirque-de-soleil-like production about Hawaiian history and traditions), we had an excellent meal that was quite inexpensive at a small stand-type "restaurant" in The Wharf Cinema Center on Front Street. It's called The Banyan Bistro, and I highly recommend it if you're in Maui; the falafel was wonderful (and if you don't want to take my word for it, here's a little review to tantalize you further). In any case, here's me standing in front of the koi pond in the Center courtyard as we await our meal.

On Sunday, it was wedding day! April's sunburn had cooled enough that she was able to get her bridesmaid massage, and she, Amy and Amy's mom got their hair done up all pretty-like. After much primping and preening, we all headed off to the beautiful Seawatch Resort and Restaurant. The wedding was outside on the lawn, overlooking the most amazing sunset and beach view.

Doesn't April look so pretty?


Nope, neither of these pictures have been Photoshopped--at all. It was really that beautiful...

After the wedding, all twenty-five of us (family and friends) settled down for a night of partying and eating (again, excellent crab cakes and a very good meal). There was much dancing and merriment late into the night. And I made the DJ play "Sex Machine" (thank you, Kate!) so all was well.

Monday morning, April and I began our "solo" stay in Maui, but those adventures will have to wait for another post because I'm sleepy and have much grading to do (ergh...students). I'll leave you all with another picture of our stunning condo view: April Writing Postcards, with Palm Trees and Sun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! reading your blog, i'm getting nostalgic for your trip! sounds so amazing. glad you went!