Sunday, July 30, 2006

Canada Cross-Country, August 2006

A few weeks ago I had all these bold and grand notions that the rest of July would afford me plenty of time get caught up on everything on my to do list. And first and foremost on that list was a directive to myself to "Get it together, kid. No. Seriously. I'm talking to you!" and post my photos and tall tales from our lovely May in Europe. Obviously, that never happened. But part of me--hope springs eternal--is still convinced that I'll post those pictures and that travel narrative floating about my head (but getting fainter and fainter everyday) eventually. Actually, I was thinking about doing it tonight, but my computer crashed last week and, since I had to reset everything to factory settings, I haven't yet reinstalled Photoshop; for some reason that seems like a great deal of work right now, just so I can resize some pictures for your viewing enjoyment. So it'll have to wait. Again. But, if you're eager to see some photos while you're waiting for me to get my act together, check out April's Blog (you'll find the travel "diary" in the June entries). That girl is on the ball.

I do, however, have one picture for show and tell today. Below, I present to you our route from Rochester to Calgary. On Tuesday, April and I will be packing up the car and the dog, leaving the rest of the menagerie in the capable hands of our friend Dinah, and begin the 4-day drive to Alberta, where we'll stay with her parents for about 2 weeks, before packing everything up again and coming back. We have myriad AAA campbooks (since we're camping in between each 10-12 hour day of driving), tour guides, maps and a triptik. We decided it would be more interesting to take different routes there and back, so we'll travel to Calgary through Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan and then our return trip will take us through Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. We're particularily looking forward to taking a picture of Fargo in front of the Fargo, North Dakota city sign!

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