Sunday, May 07, 2006

busy bee

I promise I'm not intentionally ignoring anyone. Really and for true. I just have less than a week until I leave for Europe and still so much to do...

Last night, at 11pm and after grading all of my students' research papers, April and I made ourselves cranberry martinis (2 oz. cranberry juice, 1 1/2 oz. vodka or gin--I like mine with gin--and a splash of lemon or lime juice). I posted my grades this morning, and I have to say that I hope my students count themselves lucky because there were far too many B+s in my class. Unfortunately, I can't just make up grades, so I had to go with what the numbers said. Next time, I'll have to figure out what about my grading rubric is inflating my grades. (Maybe my students were just unusually good writers this semester? Nah.)

I just wrote a ridiculously detailed outline of my L Word paper (color-coded: blue for what's already there, red for things I need to add/cut/reframe/revise/make-sound-less-stupid), so maybe I'll work on that for a little while before I go to bed. And then I have to get up at 8am to show some of my fellow students how to use Dreamweaver so they can publish the upcoming issue of Invisible Culture without my help next week.

In other news, I'm soooo looking forward to my trip. (But not looking forward to flying.)

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