Wednesday, January 04, 2006


It's certainly been an interesting week. New Years was a political and intellectual extravaganza, really fascinating and engaging. And currently I'm sitting here in a Vicodin-induced haze trying very hard to focus my eyes on my computer and ignore the lingering pain in my jaw. I spent yesterday afternoon getting my wisdom teeth removed, which really needed to be done but wasn't a particularily fun experience (especially after spitting blood for eight hours afterwards and sleeping probably for the past twenty hours, on and off). April and I were hoping to drive back home tomorrow (from my parents' house), but now I think we're going to have to wait till Friday. I'd love to be back by tomorrow evening, but I just don't have the strength to pack right now. Luckily, she seems amenable to waiting for another day and both she and my parents are being very sweet. I'm really not a good patient. I'm not good at letting people take care of me. Yesterday, I didn't mind so much because I was mostly sleeping and dazedly watching television while being woken up every few hours to take another painkiller, but today it's been hard to just lie here because I'm while I'm more alert, I still can't stand up for more than a few minutes without feeling dizzy. Sigh. Maybe I'll try weaning myself off the Vicodin tonight (and just continue taking the triple-strength Motrin the doctor also gave me); I hate the way it makes me feel.

That all said, I love you all and I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and New Year! I'll be back to my old self in no time, I'm sure. :)

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